My Settings, which is accessed by clicking the account icon showing your initial in the upper-right corner of LevelUp, allows you to change or add information to your account and customize your bookshelf:
For a discussion of the flexibility these settings provide, see
this post on the LevelUp Reader blog.
My Settings feature is available only in teacher accounts, and any bookshelf settings you change apply only to your own bookshelf view. For information on editing your students’ bookshelf view, see
Bookshelf Settings.
The My Settings page consists of three tabs: Account Settings (the default tab), Bookshelf Settings, and Bookshelf Rows, each of which is described in the sections below.
Once you finish making changes on any of the tabs, click Save Changes. Bookshelf changes will take effect immediately, and a message appears acknowledging the edits. If you updated your username or password, LevelUp prompts you to confirm the change:
Click Yes, Continue to update your credentials. You’ll be logged out of LevelUp, and can then log back in using your new username and/or password.
Account Settings
On this tab, you can edit your first and last name as it appears in LevelUp. If you edit your first name setting, the initial in your account icon reflects the change. You can edit one or both of your name settings.
You can also update your LevelUp username and password on this tab. If you want to see your password as you enter a new one, click show — the small eye icon — on the right side of the Password field. If you enter a username that already exists in LevelUp, a message prompts you to enter a different username.
It’s a good idea to write down your new username and/or password exactly as you entered it for reference, because LevelUp will log you out once you confirm the edits. You’ll then be required to log in with your new credentials.
Finally, you can enter an email address and phone number for SMS text messages associated with your account on the Account Settings tab.
Bookshelf Settings
The Bookshelf Range section of the Bookshelf Settings tab lets you adjust the Lexile measure range displayed on your bookshelf. There are two bookshelf range display options to choose from:
- The bookshelf ranges of your students, with a buffer of 100L below the lowest student Lexile measure to 50L above the highest student Lexile measure.
- A custom range, with the default between BR100L and 850L. You can adjust this range by dragging the Show Books From slider on each end to the desired range.
Whichever option you choose, some bookshelf rows, such as “Continue Reading,” “Assigned to Students,” and “Recently Read,” will display all Lexile ranges regardless of your setting.
The Bookshelf Language section of the Bookshelf Settings tab lets you specify the languages of LevelUp books displayed on your bookshelf. The options are English (which is selected by default and can’t be disabled), Spanish, and Bilingual.
Bookshelf Rows
The Bookshelf Rows section of the
Bookshelf Settings tab allows you to change which book carousels (rows) appear on your bookshelf, and rearrange the rows that currently appear. LevelUp bookshelf rows are organized based on topic or user activity.
Open the tab to see a list of the available rows, all of which are enabled by default. To disable a row, deselect the checkbox next to its name. To move a row up or down in the list — and consequently on the bookshelf — hover over its name and click the up-arrow or down-arrow that appears to the right:
When enabled, the “Top Picks” row is always the top-most row on your bookshelf.
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