Quiz Settings

Quiz Settings

The Quiz Settings page lets you be precise about the timing and frequency of the comprehension quizzes presented to your students.

Quiz Frequency lets you limit how often students are given comprehension quizzes. Select the desired frequency from the drop-down list on a student’s row, from every time they complete a book to never:

Quiz Availability gives you greater control over when students are given comprehension quizzes. It has three settings:

  1. Student Bookshelf Range presents quizzes for books within the student’s Bookshelf Range. For example, a student with a Lexile measure of 300L (and the default Bookshelf Range setting of 100L below to 50L above the Lexile reader measure) would only be given quizzes for books within the 200L to 350L range.

  2. Student Bookshelf Range and Lower presents quizzes for books within the student’s Bookshelf Range or below. Using the same example above, the student would be given quizzes for books up to 350L.

  3. Quiz Any Book presents quizzes for books at any Lexile measure.
Quiz eligibility is still subject to the Quiz Frequency setting as well. If a student has Quiz Frequency set to every two books, and Quiz Availability is set to Student Bookshelf Range, the student will receive a quiz for every other book completed within the target reading range. This setting helps ensure that students only receive the most relevant comprehension quizzes. Among other things, it lets you prevent students from receiving comprehension quizzes for books far above their reading level, which could lead to frustration and skew data on comprehension.

The Constructed Response switch lets you turn constructed response items on or off. Toggling constructed response items to "off" prevents students from having to write short answer responses and you from having to grade them.

Finally, the Refer to Book switch lets you give students the option to reopen a book and refer to its text while completing a quiz. This feature is off for all students by default, but when you toggle it on the student will see a Jump to Book button in the upper-right corner of the quiz screen: