Taking a Running Record Assessment

Taking a Running Record Assessment

Running record assessments are short text passages that you read aloud and record. When your teacher assigns a running record assessment, it shows up in the “My Assignments” row of your bookshelf. Once you finish reading the running record, the recording you made is automatically sent to your teacher to grade and you’re awarded 25 points to use in LevelUp Land.

To start a running record, click its cover under “My Assignments” (all running records have the talking-head icon on their covers):

A window opens to prepare you to start recording:

If you’re ready to record yourself reading the text passage, click Let’s Go. If you need more time to prepare, click Go back to the bookshelf.

When you click Let’s Go, the text passage appears. Scroll down and familiarize yourself with the text to know what to expect when you begin reading. When you’re ready to start recording, click RECORD at the top of the window.

A window appears asking you to let LevelUp use your device’s microphone (this window may look different depending on your device and browser):

Click Allow.

If the window below opens instead, your browser settings may need to be changed so LevelUp can access the microphone on your device:

Ask your teacher or a parent for help to enable your microphone in the browser.

The running record opens:

Read the text as best as you can, taking as much time as you need and speaking loudly enough for your device’s microphone to record you clearly. Don’t feel bad if you make mistakes — everyone does. Just correct yourself as you go if you need to, and remember that running records are meant to assess reading accuracy, not speed.

When you finish reading, click I’m Done.

A final window appears to confirm that you’ve finished the assessment and have earned 25 game points. The running record passage also appears in this window, and you have the option of listening to your recording:

To hear your recording, click Listen to your recording above the passage. A waveform, or visual representation of your recording, appears:

Use the play/pause button to hear what you recorded. You can click and drag the handle at the start of the waveform to go to any part of the recording.

Click OK when you’re finished to return to your bookshelf. Your completed running record is immediately sent to your teacher, who will grade it and schedule time to meet with you to go over any words you may have had trouble with. Congratulations!

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