Using Your Personalized Bookshelf
The personalized bookshelf is your LevelUp Reader homepage. From now on, every time you log in to LevelUp Reader you are taken to this page. The icons at the top of this page make up the LevelUp Reader bookshelf toolbar. This is also where you can search for books by title or topic:
Your bookshelf is filled with many small pictures that show the covers of the books that have been chosen for your reading level. The text underneath each picture tells you the name of the book, what its reading level is, and whether it is fiction or nonfiction. Use this information to decide which book you’d like to read, and click the cover image to open it and start reading.
There are over 3,800 books on LevelUp Reader, but don’t feel overwhelmed. The books on your bookshelf have been sorted into different categories, such as “Arts and Crafts,” ”Science,” ”Sports and Fun,” “Civics and My Community,” and others to help you find one that you want to read.
Your teacher might also assign a
book for you to read
or a
running record assessment
to take. You can find that book or assessment on the row labeled “My Assignments.” If you start to read a book but don’t finish it, or if you leave a book before taking the quiz at the end, the book will be moved to the row called “Continue Reading.” You’ll be able to find it there next time you log in to LevelUp Reader. Running records must be completed once you start them, so they will not appear in “Continue Reading.”
If you really like a book, or if you think you might want to read it again sometime, click the heart that appears beneath it to save it to your favorites. You can then click the
My Favorites
icon in the LevelUp Reader bookshelf toolbar to open a page that shows all the books you’ve chosen as
Click the icon labeled
My Report
in the LevelUp Reader bookshelf toolbar to open a page that shows more about all your LevelUp Reader activity.