Your inbox contains students' written answers to constructed response items and audio recordings of their read-aloud assignments and running record assessments.
To quickly view the student whose submissions you want to manage, start typing their name in the Filter by Student text box at the top of the Inbox. LevelUp
Reader automatically updates the view to display only the relevant entries.
All quizzes contain 5 to 10 multiple-choice items. Quizzes for books
above 330L also contain a constructed response, or short answer, item.
Unlike multiple-choice quiz items—which are automatically graded by
LevelUp Reader—constructed response items and running records are manually graded by teachers.
When a student completes a constructed response, read-aloud assignment, or running record assessment, it appears in the Inbox under Items Ready to Grade. Click Grade Response, Review Read Aloud, or Grade Running Record to see the student's answers. The Grade Response page provides guidance text so that you don't have to read the book in order to grade the student's response. Select whether the student's answer meets or doesn’t meet the comprehension skills and ELA standards listed.
When you review a student’s read-aloud audio recording, the
Read Aloud review page includes the complete book they read in addition to their recording so that you can follow along. See “
Reviewing Read Aloud Audio” for complete details on assessing students’ read-aloud skills.
In addition to a student’s running record audio recording, the
Running Record
grading page shows the text passage he or she read, along with any
related images. See “
Reviewing Running Record Results” for complete details on viewing and grading running records.
After you grade a constructed response item or running record, it appears in your Inbox under the
Items Graded tab.