Viewing Running Record Results

Viewing Running Record Results

When a student completes a running record assessment, the results appear in your inbox for you to score:

Running record assessments are clearly labeled as such in the Type column, and the title of the recorded passage appears as well. To score a running record, click Grade Running Record > in the rightmost column of a student’s row. The completed running record opens.

The upper portion of the scoring window shows the student’s recording in an audio player:

Use the play/pause button to listen to the recording as you mark errors. The recording may contain a few seconds of silence at the beginning or end. For scoring purposes, it is important to ignore these portions. Click and drag the handles on each end of the audio waveform to the beginning and end of the usable clip. If none of the recording is usable for any reason, click Mark this recording as unusable. If you change your mind at any time, click the button (now labeled Recording marked as unusable) again.
When a recording is marked as unusable, key data from the running record assessment will not appear in the student report.
Click the download button to save the audio clip as an MP3 file. This allows you to listen to the recording on another device, or to archive the recording.

The lower portion of the scoring window is where you mark errors to grade the assessment. It displays the running record passage on the left, and a scorecard for the assessment on the right:

As you mark errors and self-corrections in the assessment, the scorecard data changes to reflect the score. See Marking Errors and Saving Results for details on error types, marking, and finalizing the assessment.

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