My Classroom is your
student hub in LevelUp Reader. Here, you can monitor your students’ progress and book assignments, grade quizzes, set up groups of students based on reading level, control access to LevelUp Land, customize the reading experience and bookshelf, and manage reading level assessments.
The My Classroom pages contain settings that allow you to customize each student’s LevelUp Reader experience. Click
to download a shareable PDF that explains the default settings found in My Classroom.
How do I individualize the LevelUp experience for my students? See how you can use the LevelUp classroom settings to encourage and challenge students based on their individual abilities and needs.
Rosen LevelUp, a division of Rosen Publishing and Rosen Classroom, is the new digital classroom platform that serves students PreK to 3. Rosen Publishing is an independent educational publishing house that was established in 1950 to serve the needs ...
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework is developed to emphasize the application of five areas of competence in social and emotional development: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, ...